Create routs in React

First run npm i react-router-dom create pages folder in src folder here create files in pages like add.jsx, update.jsx, delete,jsx in every file defined as follows: example of add paged import React from ‘react’ const add = () => {     return...

Create Node Server with connect MYSQL

Process to make node server: run code npm init – y run code npm i express mysql nodemon After install no-2 then create page index.js Put code in index.jsimport express from “express”import express from “express”;import mysql from...

Media Server on AWS

Step 1) Log in to AWS Console First, you need to log in the AWS Console. If you don’t have an AWS account, you need to register first. Then you are able to use AWS services. Step 2) Create an Instance After logging in to AWS Console, you will see the list of AWS...

Bharat’s Exceptional Parliamentary Gathering

When fashioning written compositions, two pivotal facets to consider are “inscrutable intricacy” and “magnificent diversity.” The former encapsulates the profound complexities woven into the text, while the latter assesses the array of sentence...